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Medical Marijuana FTP Specials in Arizona
Maximizing the value of your medical card is a hobby for many patients. One way to save a lot of cash AND experience many of the...

Great news! Arizona voters legalized marijuana for recreational use in the November 2020 election. Now you may be asking yourself, "Why...

How Much is the Tax on Marijuana in Arizona?
In Arizona, Marijuana is taxed differently depending on if it is Medical Marijuana or Recreational Marijuana. In this post we will break...

Veterans and Arizona Medical Marijuana
Veterans who use medical marijuana by receiving a medical marijuana card will not have an impact on their

How to Get a Marijuana Card Online in 2021
Did you know that you could get your marijuana card online using telemedicine? Many patients are getting their card online, learn more here.

How to get Medical Records for a Medical Marijuana Card in Arizona
As part of the Arizona Medical Marijuana Card Program, doctors must review a patients medical records. Read more about the records process

Marijuana and Your Job
Arizona legalized recreational marijuana, but you can still lose your job if you test positive. A card can protect your job, learn more here
Paying Too Much For Recreational Pot?
In this post we break down the tax differences for medical vs. recreational marijuana and explain if it makes sense to have a medical card.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Arizona without Medical Records
You do not need medical records to get your marijuana card in Arizona. To learn how to get your card without records, continuing reading.

How long does it take to get my MMJ card in AZ
We submit your card immediately after your appointment so there is no delay in approval. Read more to learn how to get a card same day.
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